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Edible Flower Shortbread Biscuits

Updated: Sep 22, 2020

Surprise your guests at morning tea with these delightful and delicious shortbread biscuits and show your friends how to use edible flowers in the kitchen!

BISCUIT MIX: 80gms butter (softened) 1/3 Cup castor sugar 2 TBS Milk 1/2 tsp Vanilla essence 1 Cup self-raising flour 1/3 Cup custard powder Jam of your choice METHOD: Beat butter and sugar together until mixture is pale. Add-in and beat the milk and vanilla essence. Sift in flour and custard powder. Mix together until a soft dough is formed. Roll mixture into a log shape about 25-30mm thick. Wrap in baking paper and put in the coolest part of the fridge, chill for 30mins. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Line two baking trays with baking paper and spread melted butter (prevent sticking) *In the mean-time prepare your flowers. Remove any green bits (stems or leaves) or de-petal for a scattered look. When dough has cooled, unwrap and cut into 12mm slices. Place them on the baking trays leaving some space in-between - biscuits expand, and arrange flowers on top. Place some baking paper over the biscuits and using a rolling pin, firmly press as you roll to flatten the flowers but not too hard that it squashes the dough. Make a little well with the back of a teaspoon and put some jam into each well. Place into oven for 15 minutes until lightly golden. Cool well before serving.

Surprise your guests at morning tea with these delightful and delicious shortbread biscuits and show your friends how to use edible flowers in the kitchen!
Edible Flower Shortbread Biscuits


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